Matthias Behrens wrote:

i am running a cgi-serverfarm behind an apache webserver with mod_rewrite / 

one cgi is supposed to send a progress bar using serverpush everytime the programm completes 5% of its work, it sends further html-code which lets the bar grow

u can all test this by going to

just type some it-skills in the form and press send. you have to write some 
unusual combinations or choose older data to prevent the programms 
cachefunction sending an immediate reply.

as you can see the bar is completed only in very big steps. but actually every 
imagepart of the bar is sended seperately. some internal cache in the mod_proxy 
module prevents the results from beeing sended until (i guess) 8192 bytes are 
reached. i allready added 1024 spaces to every package to make it go a little 
more smooth but this is unacceptable for people with low bandwith.

This is an interesting problem, but definitely worth looking into fixing.

The 8k buffer is correct, proxy tries to read up to 8k at a time, and then after receiving a full 8k, it sends that 8k down the filter stack, over the network to the browser.

I think the root of the problem is that there is no way (or maybe there is and I don't know how to do it yet) to say to the input filter stack "give me what you got up to a maximum of 8k". If 10 bytes had arrived, then 10 bytes would be returned, and the next read would block waiting for the next piece to arrive.

The downside of this approach is that if a backend server wrote one byte at a time to the filter stack, then the proxy would write out chunks containing one byte per chunk, resulting in a large multiplication of bandwidth. Perhaps making this configurable would be the answer.


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