Nick Kew schrieb:

On Friday 06 January 2006 19:20, Steffen wrote:
> Several ppl tried it, but it crashes Apache or it looses connections,
> see:
> To get it compiled, as i told you before, mysql.h has to be changed,
> see:

Looking at your URL, you've changed __WIN__ to __WIN32__ in mysql.h.
That seems to be something internal to MySQL itself, outside the
reach of the apr_dbd_mysql driver.

I've also tried to use mod_dbd and MySQL on Windows with no luck. I don't must change "mysql.h" to compile the modules. Instead I must add this line in "apr_dbd_mysql.c":
| #include <mysql/my_global.h>
| #include <mysql/mysql.h>

All build fine (Apache 2.2.0 / MySQL 5.0.18). But every time I access a secured page the Apache child process give up with: | [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.

After the automatic restart of the child process and a refresh in the browser I can see the page. Next (an other) page the same thing. I don't know where is the problem. "mod_dbd" or "apr_dbd*"?

Have you ever try to use mod_dbd with sqlite2 or sqlite3 on Windows? When i try to use this, I get this message at server startup (and during accessing a page):
| [crit] (20014)Internal error: DBD: failed to initialise

But I don't realy know if my configuration in "httpd.conf" is correct for SQLite (there are no examples...).

Carsten Wiedmann

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