On 2/24/06, Greg Ames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Trawick wrote:
> > It isn't clear to me what an input filter should do about
> > Content-Length when it modifies the length of the body  (assuming that
> > this isn't chunked encoding).
> > mod_cgi uses brigades to read the body but needs to look at
> > Content-Length before spawning the CGI script, so that's problematic.
> > And there is an unexpected ordering requirement so that the input
> > filter can signal to this handler that the content-length can't be
> > trusted, before mod_cgi spawns the child.
> so is this the current ordering?
> 1. mod_cgi[d] handler is dispatched
> 2. C-L environment variable is set for the script from the initial C-L header
> 3. CGI child is spawned.
> 4. mod_cgi[d] reads the body from input filters
> 5. foo_input_filter changes the body, invalidating the C-L env var + whatever 
> local
> variables the script is using to track the length
> 6. CGI reads from stdin into buffer of length ?

looks right to me

> > A filter which spools up to a configured amount of request body in
> > order to calculate content-length could be of some practical benefit,
> > since many request bodies are relatively small and this could
> > potentially allow mod_cgi[d] to properly handle chunked request
> > bodies, regardless of input filtering.  With such a filter installed,
> > and no need to spool beyond a configured limit, getting a brigade
> > would return bucket(s) with known length and an EOS at the end.
> > Unknown lengths or EOS?  Better punt if you're mod_cgi[d].
> per offline discussions,
> * the CGI spec (fwiw) is oblivious to chunking
> * 1.3 and pre-filtering 2.0 used to fail CGI requests with chunked bodies.  
> getting them
> to work properly in common cases (i.e. < 8K bodies ) would be a step forward.
> * this is analogous to proxy trying to avoid chunking to the origin server, 
> except the
> spec is weaker for CGIs
> a decent solution for CGI request body chunking would also solve some cases 
> of input
> filters modifying the length.


I suspect a number of third-party modules would need to change (not to
mention our own).

The handler would need to get a brigade then, if there is EOS bucket
at the end and the length of each bucket is known, then use that for
content-length.  (Presumably a magic filter with configurable timeouts
and spooling capability would allow this to happen.)  Otherwise,
either fail the request (e.g., CGI) or don't handle the body in a way
that needs to know the length in advance.

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