This thread from forwarded just to make the overall
httpd community aware of this last ditch effort.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Next Mission, DOA or interest?
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 15:09:02 -0600
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: CLI Dev <>


  With the cli-dev list not particularly active in mod_aspdotnet (no criticizm,
this is mostly a finished module and should be discussed on that thread), I'd
like to come back to the original charter and purpose for cli-dev@, and why it
wasn't simply the mod_aspdotnet effort.

  The original goal was more expansive; looking for example at mod_haydn, it's
obvious there is a desire to do .NET development of httpd modules.  However, the
haydn project is an unfinished work, while I believe most people are looking for
similar flexibility as offered by the mod_perl project to author their own
custom modules in .NET for httpd.

  I propose a name for that effort, mod_sharp.  Sharp, because I don't want to
argue the mod_net or mod_dotnet namespace, and sharp not only because of .NET's
parallel inception with C#, the fact that we would likely author the module in C
and C#, but also owing to the sharp lines between unmanaged and fully managed
code, which mod_sharp would seek to both bridge and enforce.

  As pinvoke/C# code it will be somewhat slower that a IJW implementation, but
be usable in multiple .NET engines.  Unlike mod_aspdotnet, the goal of this
effort doesn't produce anything that's covered by various patent claims, but
abstracts for .NET coders an API that the ASF clearly owns, the httpd/apr API.
If there is a desire later to optimize some code with IJW C++ technology, IMHO
that would be an addition/optimization, not a restrictive origin.

  But this can't be a one-man show.  I even doubt I personally have alot of
time to write a ton of code in the next three months.  Effectively, we need a
show-of-hands to determine how many individuals wish to *help* make this happen.
If you would respond to the following poll, please quote all that apply to you;

 * I will help author the module

 * I will help test the module, including writing tests and examples

 * I will help document the module and it's API

 * I will mentor this module, but can't contribute to it's code/docs
   [Applies to ASF members only]

 * I would use this module to author Apache httpd modules

  Finally, are there other ends for cli-dev that you envison(ed) that aren't
covered in this proposal, something you believe that [EMAIL PROTECTED] should
accomplish, or something in the proposal above which you believe was incorrect
or overlooked?

  Let's see if there is traction here, or if the purpose of cli-dev has disolved
for lack-of-interest.


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