On 01/03/06, Paul Querna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greg Ames wrote:
> Saju Pillai wrote:
>> I can understand why serializing apr_pollset_poll() & accept() for the
>> listener threads doesn't make sense in the event-mpm.   A quick look
>> through the code leaves me confused about the following ...
>  >
>>  It looks like all the listener threads epoll() simultaenously on the
>> listener sockets + their private set of sockets added to the pollset
>> by workers.
> looks like you are correct.
> originally there was a separate event thread for everything but new
> connections and the listener thread's accept serialization was the same
> as worker's.  then it seemed like a good idea to merge the listener and
> event threads, and it only supported a single worker process briefly.
> since there was only one merged listener/event thread in the whole
> server there was nothing to serialize at that time.  then a few of us
> grumbled about what happens if some 3rd party module seg faults or leaks
> memory and we went back to multiple worker processes.

Can you tell us what was the reasoning behind merging the event thread and the listener thread ? A seperate event thread implies that the listener threads could serialize for accept() for platforms that need serialized accept(). The event thread never needs to accept() - it only needs to check for read/write/close events.  ( or the platforms that event mpm runs on - don't need serializing of accept ?)



>>   Will apr_pollset_poll() return "success" to each listener if a new
>> connection arrives on a main listener socket ? If so won't each
>> listener attempt to accept() the new connection ?
> I think so, but I'm not a fancy poll expert.  Paul?

Correct. This is on Purpose.  It actually turns out to be faster to call
a nonblocking accept() and fail than it is to use the AcceptLock() that
the other MPMs do. (Micro benchmarks I did back then seemed to show
this, and just hammering a machine and comparing the results for Worker
& Event MPMs seem to indicate this too).

> then the question is how bad is it?

Not that bad :)

This is traditionally called the 'Thundering Herd' Problem.

When you have N worker processes, and all N of them are awoken for an
accept()'able new client. Unlike the prefork MPM, N is usually a smaller
number in Event, because you don't need that many EventThreads Per
Number of WorkerThreads,

I also reason that on a busy server, the place you most likely want to
put the event mpm, you will have many more non-listener sockets to deal
with, and those will fire more often than new clients are connecting,
meaning you will already be coming out of the _poll() with 'real'
events.  So the 'cost' of being put into the Run Queue isn't a 'waste',
like it is on the Prefork MPM, where you just would go back into _poll()
without having done anything.


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