I don't have multiple instances of Apache. When I just use the standard httpd.conf with only this directive commeted out I get this error. There is no issue of multiple instances using the same Unix socket. How does the communication between the cgid deamon and httpd deamon happen when the Scriptsock directive is commented out.

On 3/31/06, Jeff Trawick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/31/06, pradeep kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> One more detail. I get this error only on commenting out the Scriptsock
> directive. When I use this directive though I have no trouble in running the
> script.

Is there more than one Apache instance with same ServerRoot, such that
using the default ScriptSock results in multiple instances trying to
use the same Unix socket?  I assume you set Scriptsock to a
non-default value?

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