On 5/2/06, Chris Darroch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   If you can bear with me for a day or two more, I should have
a collection of patches ready.  These tackle the issue by
tracking the start and listener threads in a nice new spot in
the scoreboard, and also clean up various issues and bugs relating
to fork(), ThreadLimit, ServerLimit, MaxClients, etc.  They also
tackle some issues raised in various XXX comments and clean up
some stale cruft in scoreboard.h.

Note that perform_idle_server_maintenance() can't depend on the child
process to put stuff in the scoreboard in order to avoid a fork bomb. Assume fork() stalls for 30 seconds in the child before returning to
our code, and make sure there is no opportunity for ramping up the
number of processes while we wait for a child to get a chance to

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