Just a footnote from legal-discuss that the win32 nmake -f Makefile.win install
isn't moving NOTICE (yet) to the target tree, and once we do that, we need to
then staple it into the installer.  Trivial but needed to be noted.

LICENSE still has our mongo-long-list-of-collected licenses.  IIUC this is no
longer the way we do things.  So I'll chew on the bullet above, if someone
else will take on this question of what goes in LICENSE (only ASL 2, iiuc)
and where the rest of these go.

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Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 5/10/06, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BTW, the http installation does not seem to have a NOTICE file ...
should I raise a bug report for this?

Know it's off-topic for this list, but what installation is this? Windows? Some binary repackager?

I'm betting sebb refers to Apache 2.0 / 2.2 .msi's which include all of
the relevant NOTICE datum in LICENSE - we've decided long ago this is not
the easiest way to handle it; but first httpd needs to migrate from all-in
one LICENSE to cover these in NOTICE - and then the Makefile.win needs to
be updated to move the NOTICE.  If it isn't a target of Makefile.win install
then I'm almost assured to miss it vetting the final package.

We will take this discussion back to httpd; thanks for raising this sebb!


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