On Sun, 18 Jun 2006, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 06/18/2006 02:49 PM, Mathieu CARBONNEAUX wrote:
i think is very usefull to have this in production environment... to debug 
probleme without interupting production... in only up the log level with 
with strace you must restart apache with strace...and for desactivating it you 
must restart... in some production environement is not acceptable...

Why that? You can attach strace to running processes, provided that you have 
appropriate permissions on this process. So
you might need root access for this.

Of course I admit that the strace / ltrace output is generic and a more 
specific output by logging inside the hooks
could provide better information.

If you have a Solaris 10 host handy, you can get at this information with the DTrace pid provider. It allows you to enable probes dynamically on user-level functions, and is an invaluable tool for debugging stuff in production.

- Ryan
UNIX Administrator

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