Sam Ruby wrote:
> And the impact is dramatic.  IE7 won't display any feed that is not well
> formed.  FireFox 2 will stop at the first error.  Bloglines (I'm told,
> but haven't verified) will fall back to a rather sub-optimal RSS parser
> to handle broken Atom feeds - and the results aren't pretty.  Suffice it
> to say (and I say this primarily for Paul's benefit) - I believe that
> either this code, or code that performs a similar function - will
> provide an immediate improvement to Bloglines users who subscribe to
> mod_mbox produced feeds.


I don't feel that it is appropriate to discuss my day job on this list,
or in this context.

I don't work on mod_mbox for my job. I have worked on it in the past
because I wanted something that is usable for my personal life as an
developer at the ASF.



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