Nick Kew wrote:
> Isn't the whole problem the lack of a proper product name that
> we or anyone can identify with (other than "Apache")?
> With that in mind, how about something more distinctive and
> less ineffably lame than anything like "httpd" or "web server"? 
> For example, draw on our heritage and name it "feather"?
> Or find a novel word that describes a central role in communication?
> Did the apache indians have any great meeting?   Or perhaps
> we could take a word from some more familiar tradition that
> hasn't hitherto been adopted on the 'net?

Well this is a question in two parts.  What *is* our product name right now?
So it should remain until the 'next major release', e.g. at least 2.4 if not
through 2.x.

The second part is what should the next Apache HTTP Server be called?  That's
what started the thread about "d", and I think your ideas are more speaking
to that 'next name'.  Which isn't a bad discussion to start now, thank you.


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