On Friday 18 August 2006 08:19, paritosh wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I'm using the latest revision of mod_dbd.c and I still get a segfault on
> startup. My setup:
> ./configure --enable-so --enable-auth-digest --enable-dbd
> --enable-authn-dbd --with-mysql=/usr

So that's static compilation ...

Looks fine, but

>   AuthDBDUserRealmQuery "SELECT pwhash FROM users WHERE name = %s and
> realm = %s"

doesn't look much like

> #4  0x0807dedb in authn_dbd_prepare (cmd=0xbfc9701c, cfg=0x812d190,
> query=0x812d198 "SELECT pwhash FROM principals INNER JOIN users ON
> principals.resource_id = users.principal_id WHERE name = %s and name !=
> %s") at mod_authn_dbd.c:72


OK, here we have a problem at:

> #3  0x08082a96 in ap_dbd_prepare (s=0x80d3ab0, query=0xffffffff <Address
> 0xffffffff out of bounds>, label=0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of
> bounds>) at mod_dbd.c:152

where the query and label pointers are garbage.  That's the kind of
thing I'd expect if one or more of your modules was compiled on a
slightly different architecture.  But I guess we can rule that out
since you compiled statically (assuming you compiled on the same
machine it's running on?)

Can you compile mod_dbd (and perhaps also mod_authn_dbd) with
-O0 rather than the default -O2, so we don't get that kind of report
as an artifact of compilation optimisation?

Nick Kew

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