On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 03:06:37PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> The only thing that I would suggest is we have at least three
> PMC members participating (that old 'oversite' thing).  Not that there is
> much to oversee other than tell folks to take the real bugs/design issues
> back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and to take end user 
> questions up with the
> module author or [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
I know that you and Nick follow the list, and I'm pretty sure that other
pmc members do as well (and otherwise maybe me with my member hat on
might do the trick). 


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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