In some of my testing, Win32DisableAcceptEx seems to make a huge improvement, however...

Jess Holle wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
I'm seeing what appears to be really severe performance degradation during the course of really large downloads (e.g. 800MBs) on Windows Apache's -- both 2.0.x (recent builds) and 2.2.3.

Has anyone else seen this?  Is this just a lack of tuning?  If so, pointers would be appreciated.

Note we're using:
SendBufferSize 16384
EnableSendfile Off
Before blaming the latter setting, however, I should point out that the problem we're seeing exists both for this case with simple static file downloads and for dynamic downloads through mod_jk and Tomcat (we've only tested this case with 2.0.x).  The latter case is actually our real issue, but unless/until static file downloads don't show this degradation there seems to be little point in chasing the (more complex) dynamic case.
Also the enabling send file does not seem to make any difference to the results.

Jess Holle

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