Matthieu Estrade wrote:

IMHO, a regexp based cache enable or disable could be very usefull for a
default caching policy shipped with httpd.
We could do per default caching only on all images, css and all static

Some random thoughts:

Personally, I think the "cache rules matching methods" should be provider based. ie, something like:

CacheEnable disk /images prefix #prefix could be default
CacheEnable disk *.gif$ regex
CacheEnable mem cache_me match #use strmatch stuff, faster than regex
CacheEnable disk - all #matches every thing.  A little faster than prefix /
CacheDisable ftp protocol #enable/disable based on protocol
CacheDisable host #don't cache things for this client

Of course, we already do almost all that stuff with everything else, but cache is quick handler, so as Colm noted, location, locationmatch, etc don't work. Unfortunately, if you move it to normal handler, you lose a bit of performance. We cache alot of stuff to avoid the mangled mess of rewrite rules that would run if mod_cache was not a quick handler on every single request.

Brian Akins
Chief Operations Engineer
Turner Digital Media Technologies

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