
Speaking of which - how do you use gdb with mod_perl/libapreq? I'm used to using it and other debuggers (Visual Studio, etc, DDD with gdb, Xcode) with mysqld and DBD::mysql, but how do you attach it to a mod_perl script, httpd, mod_perl, libapreq (?) to see what's going on? I have libapreq working on OS X, but something is giving me a bus error and I'd like to know where that's coming from.



Dave Viner wrote:

no problemo...

i spent many hours staring, recompiling, messing with GDB, and swearing when i hit this same error.


On Oct 29, 2006, at 2:36 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Dave Viner wrote:

this might be a dumb question, but have you checked that the apreq module is loaded?
LoadModule apreq_module    modules/mod_apreq2.so

Egads - that was it. I've only been using this module for how many years? Somehow that line went missing from my httpd.conf in one of my latest development sessions. Thanks for the spot Dave. Patrick sorry for not seeing this earlier but I guess I overlooked the basics.

I'm going to go hide in the corner now for a while :)

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