On 10/30/06, Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-1 to doing that with local, static files.  And once you start
making exceptions to a rule, that becomes BAD complexity.

What exceptions are you talking about?

Everything would be treated as a char *, size_t pair.  It's quite
simple, actually...

What does that [#1] break?

Seems an easy/low-level solution.  Does the provider return a
status value to say "I have/haven't passed this stuff down the
chain"?  It has the feel of something that pulls down the level
of abstraction: not sure what that loses.

With #1, you don't have any knowledge as to when the filter died or
how it died - was it the cache storage that died?  Or was it the
client?  Who knows.  So, it makes recovering from storage failures
very problematic or you put a set of 'hidden' constraints on the
storage functions to try to encourage recovery - but I'd rather make
such things explicit.  -- justin

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