Roy T. Fielding wrote:
I am personally +0 on the idea, but my only reservation is that
we have too many eggs in one basket already.  One of these days,
some kind soul will have the energy to build a CPAN-like module
registry and distribution mechanism.

We talked about this in good detail back at ApacheCon EU 2005. Its not going anywhere IMO.

It sounds like a great idea, except that for 95% of users, they will get httpd via apt-get, yum, a CD, ports, or some other package system. Another CPAN-like system is generally a waste when there are already many great packaging systems out there.

Successful CPAN-like systems were mostly started back when package management was an enormous pain. It still is on some platforms *cough*solaris*cough*, but they are generally the exception these days.


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