The config looks like this:

    # Password protect bugzilla with native LDAP plugin
    <Location /bugzilla>
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "User principal name"
      AuthLDAPEnabled on
      AuthLDAPBindDN zzz
      AuthLDAPBindPassword zzz
      AuthLDAPURL ldap://zzz:3268/?userPrincipalName,mail,cn?sub
      AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
      require valid-user
      Satisfy all

    # Password protect this entire website using Redhat LDAP plugin
   <Location />
      AuthName "Username"
      AuthzLDAPMethod ldap
      AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
      AuthzLDAPServer zzz:3268
      AuthzLDAPUserBase zzz
      AuthzLDAPUserKey sAMAccountName
      AuthzLDAPUserScope subtree
      AuthzLDAPBindDN zzz
      AuthzLDAPBindPassword zzz

      AuthType basic
      require valid-user

      Order allow,deny
      Allow from
      Satisfy Any

Untested (don't have an LDAP server at hand to test) : Create two aliases with AuthnProviderAlias, and use AuthBasicProvider with the alias names in the Location containers.


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