Nick Kew wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2006 15:46:53 +0530
> "Manish Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am using apache 1.3.37, and am trying to write a module for it.
>> I know of no possible way to debug it. Can someone please give some
>> pointers/tips?
>> would gdb on GNU/LInux be a better choice?
> gdb is an option.  Chapter 12 of my book describes how to use it:
> that at least is valid even for Apache 1.

So is VC.  The essential thing on every build of apache is to start it
with the -X flag in httpd 1.3 - you will get ONE worker process and no
parent process.  You can now step it, debug it or whatnot.

If you omit -X (or in 2.x, the -DONE_PROCESS flag) you will find yourself
debugging the PARENT process.  In that case, you have to attach to the
pid of the worker process you want to debug.

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