On Jan 6, 2007, at 6:55 AM, Jeff Trawick wrote:

Can you confirm that 1.3 was busted on Windows too?

I just loaded up a 1.3.37 binary from archives.apache.org on a fresh new Win2k3 Server VMWare thingy. I set my error log and access log as follows:

ErrorLog "| c:/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe c:/ PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache/logs/error.log 300 -480"
LogLevel debug

CustomLog "| c:/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe c:/ PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache/logs/access.log 300 -480" common

...and I'm seeing two rotatelogs.exe processes. Logfiles are created and turned over (I'm tickling the server with a slow trickle from http_load).

Seems non-busted.


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