I use an Apache 2.2 with mod_perl, mod_cache & mod_disk_cache.
I add an unique string to $r->uri  with an perl script, but have to
save/load the cache files without this string. The uri I build looks
like "/UNIQ123456789/filename", but the cached target should look like
"/filename". Other pathes, like "/media/pic1.gif" should not be affected.
The "UNIQ" is needed for some special operations behind the proxy.
Changes on this UNIQ-technique is impossible!
Now I have to know how I can set/change the uri which is used to save
and load the cache file.
When I change the r->uri in mod_cache.c, the mod_disk_cache.c does not
get the edited uri.
I think I have to use an apr_xxx hook or smthg like this, but I have no
idea which to use.

Thanks for your help

Florian Tigges

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