On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:00:09 -0600
"William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As originally conceived, <Limit METH METH2> was designed to handle
> a very limited (once 30, now 62) different possible methods and
> assign them a specific Satisfy/Require/Allow/Deny/Order directive
> pattern that otherwise has no corresponding value for the un-Limit'ed
> method possibilities.  The model is fundamentally weak, and the side
> effects of users believing their -other- directives were <Limit >'ed
> or that they can have -multiple- <Limit >'ed constraints doesn't even
> meet the principle of least surprise when there is no complaint at
> startup.

The fundamental weakness of <Limit> is that it requires a module
to cooperate proactively, and many modules don't.  That gives it
different semantics to other standard containers.

> I believe it needs to be scrapped.  <Limit > needs to become a first
> class container for httpd directives.  Now, we must further confuse
> an already confused situation.

I disagree.  <Limit> is far too firmly established to change its
semantics.  Either we keep it as-is (warts and all) or we scrap it, 
and generate a startup error that advises the user of alternatives.

One possible replacement would be to make it an optional argument
to <Directory> & family:

<Location /limited/ methods="GET POST HEAD">

I haven't thought through the implementation details of that,
but the semantics work, and I think they'd deal with your concerns.

Now, if we were to rework containers, it might be time to
bring in some kind of if-then-else logic (the road <LimitExcept>
started down):

<Location /limited/ method="GET POST HEAD">
<Else Location /limited/ method!="GET POST HEAD">

That's far too ugly as stated, but you get the idea.

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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