With the posting of these notifications, and record of the
http://www.apache.org/licenses/exports/ - there are no further
obstacles to posting http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32/


and uncommenting/updating the <!----> commented out text in README.txt
of this page?  All US legal obligations are satisfied.  Correct?

I note that Flood refers only to ASF code; if we want to ship a binary
for folks to flood their test machines from win32 boxes (including https)
we still need to ?

The incoming mod_ftp may still needs a crypto notice, as it facilitates ftps
and starttls handshaking using mod_ssl's hooks to OpenSSL to provide the
FTPImplicitSSL and FTPOptions RequireSSL directive features, and the ftp AUTH
command handler.  Although it derives it's ssl encryption from mod_ssl by
way of openssl, I presume we want to add this item to our notices list and
to send them a notification.  Correct?


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