Hi all!

What is the current status/progress on mod_ftp? I haven't seen much on [EMAIL PROTECTED] about it since the graduation...

In any case, we'd really like to get mod_ftp in a usable state so we can use it on our anonftp frontends. We currently use vsftpd and are really happy with it, but we would REALLY want to have the cache handled by mod_cache used by FTP too. We have already convinced rsync into using the cache by a LD_PRELOAD hack, unfortunately this doesn't work too well with ftpd's since they rely on chroot() to work.

So, how close is mod_ftp to handle this for us? I'll list the requirements we have and comment, and hopefully the Really Clued Ones will chime in with additional comments/status/etc:

In order to use mod_ftp on ftp.acc.umu.se (which runs httpd 2.2.4 with our mod_disk_cache jumbopatch) we need it to:

* Play well with mod_cache, if a file has been requested with HTTP a
  FTP request should reuse the cached copy. Last time I checked
  mod_ftp only did subrequests which mod_cache didn't act on. Of
  course files requested with FTP and thus cached should cause a HTTP
  request to use the cached copy (although with a revalidation to get
  current headers I guess). I think this won't work too well with
  vanilla mod_disk_cache, however our mod_disk_cache jumbo patch
  caches the body in a hash based on r->filename to solve the
  name-space issues.

* Only anonyomous read-only-access is required. I think this is
  working today.

* Download-related items like file listings, continuation, etc MUST

* Both passive and active mode MUST work. I think there was some
  issues causing it to always use in passive mode last time I

* Large file support MUST work (we serve DVD images). Last time I
  checked there was a whole slew of LFS issues with the mod_ftp
  globbing code which was simply broken since it didn't use the information
  gathered by configure and didn't use APR - it should be ripped out
  and replaced with APR stuff instead IMHO. It makes no sense to keep
  that mess just o keep httpd 2.0 compatibility...

* IPv6 MUST work. I think this is being addressed.

* Probably something that I forgot so it can't be that important ;)

I (and other fellow computer club people) would be happy to hack on small bugs and issues, but the more hairy things like the mod_ftp/mod_cache interaction and the globbing mess really needs a Clued Httpd Developer sorting out the various odds and ends.

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PRIME DIRECTIVE, MY ASS! Phasers on maximum!  Load photon torpedoes!

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