tackling this another way.
how hard would it be to use something like mod_fastcgi of instead of the standard CGI interface?

On 21/06/2006, at 8:00 AM, Paul Querna wrote:

Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) wrote:

We tried using mod_cgi with worker. And its very slow. So that's not an
option we have. Currently we have only worker MPM supported on HP-UX
which is why I tried the multiple cgid approach.

Ah. Now it makes sense.  My experiences with this have only been on
Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.  It is very much a possibility that fork()
on HP-UX really sucks.

And the solution that was discussed then was also to provide multiple
CGI daemons. Will this be a feature that will be available sometime ?

I don't think anyone is currently working on it. Feel Free to post
patches :)

Also, I'd like to know if any benchmaking results for CGI has been
published with comparisons between the different Apache MPMs.

Never done it on HP-UX.  On Linux 2.6 the experimental Event MPM is
fastest, then the Worker MPM and then the Prefork MPM.


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