Further to the e-mail below, can anyone confirm if this is a known
problem with mod_mbox?

The problem also occurs in the mailing list archives for this mailing list:

For example:


The messages dated Tue, 03 Apr, 14:44 are duplicated (amongst others).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 01-Apr-2007 13:24
Subject: Problems with Date view in mod_mbox?
To: Apache Infrastructure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just been looking through some of the mailing list archives (e.g.
JMeter for March 2007) and in each case when using the "Date" view,
several of the messages are repeated multiple times in the overview

Furthermore, when the first of these duplicated entries is selected,
the Next in Date link does not work - the same message is redisplayed.

For example:


the first entry is duplicated; click on either, and the ">>" link
refers to the same message.

The back links seem to work OK - e.g. the second message in the above example.

Is this a known problem?

Maybe I should report this elsewhere?

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