>>> On 4/30/2007 at 9:54 AM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Joshua Slive"
> On 4/27/07, Brad Nicholes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's beginning to look like Order, Allow, Deny, Satisfy can't be deprecated 
> after all.  However I still think that there is a usefulness for the same 
> type of authorization rules defined by "require".
> I don't really understand why you say this. Isn't it just a question
> of defining the order of evaluation of <SatisfyOne> blocks? And the
> proper order seems quite straight-forward to me.
> Joshua.

Well, the reason why is because of the order in which the hooks are called .  
We have three different hooks, access_checker, check_user_id and auth_checker.  
Basically, to give the hooks more understandable names, we have access_control, 
authentication and authorization.  The directives that cause these hooks to be 
invoked are:

Order, Allow from, Deny from- access_control hook
AuthBasicProvider, AuthDigestProvider - Authentication hook
Require - Authorization hook

With the host based directives moving from "Allow from [host|IP|ENV]", "Deny 
From [host|IP|ENV]" to "Require [host|IP|ENV]", "Reject [host|IP|ENV]", the 
access control functionality moved from the access_control hook to the 
Authorization hook.  This works great until you try to throw authentication 
into the mix.  If your intention was to avoid a credentials challenge through 
access control, as soon as you include authentication, the check_user_id hook 
gets called and the first thing that happens is a check for the user name and 
password in the request header.  If it isn't there, the challenge is sent back 
to the browser and the browser prompts for the user name and password.  In this 
case there was no chance for "Require [host|IP]" to even have a crack at 
satisfying the request since the authorization hook was never called.  

When I implemented this I thought I had all of the bases covered but apparently 
not (which is why I would like to see us at least roll an alpha of 2.3 so this 
stuff would get some visibility).  There seems to be cases where access control 
and authorization should be separate.  So I am starting to see the need to 
retain Order, Allow, Deny, Satisfy so that in cases where access control needs 
to happen outside of authorization, it can.  I don't really like having to 
retain those directives, because it makes access control and authorization a 
little more confusing.

Better ideas?


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