William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Can't we do

+        else if (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6) {
+            *dwVersion = OS_VERSION_VISTA;

for now (or simply 'else') so that this isn't instantly broken by the
next version, irrespective of any changes required?

Nevertheless, completely unrelated ...

While testing Vista support I found out that the installer
allows the installation although the httpd.conf is missing.
However, the httpd -k unistall breaks because it first tests
the presence of the httpd.conf, so one cannot uninstall the
httpd service if there is no valid httpd.conf. Even if the
httpd.conf is present, and it fails the httpd -T, uninstall
doesn't work. Only the valid httpd.conf allows service uninstall.
Think we should address those issues cause
IMHO, unistall should always work if there is something
installed. At lest it should remove the service, or even
better, the service should not be installed unless we have
a valid httpd that can be run from the SCM.


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