Graham Dumpleton writes:
> Correct, you were only changing the path related to modules managed by
> the new module importer and not those handled by the standard Python
> importer. Adding "~" like that would also only have been needed if in
> a subdirectory of the handler root directory an import was trying to
> be done with either 'import' or 'apache.import_module()' for a module
> in the handler root directory.
> I had assumed in suggesting that, that you had already converted
> mpservlets to use the new module importer and were triggering that
> specific case.


Thanks for your detailed answers (as always).  Very helpful.  However,
something I said in my original email is, I think, clouding the issue,
at least for me as I read your responses (or perhaps I'm just not
being very clear in my questions): I had said in passing I was picking
up mod_python again and thought I'd rewrite my mpservlets importer to
use the new 3.3 apache.import_module() function.  **I actually never
got that far.** I upgraded my apache to use mp3.3 and the first thing
I did was run my tutorial and what I got was import errors.  So, to
sum up:

  o I have never used apache.import_module(), old or new.  I only use
    the import builtin.
  o I have NOT started rewriting mpservlets to use the new importer.
    In fact, I have NOT touched any old code at all: just upgrade to
    3.3 and run what I've always run.
  o My configuration uses .htaccess with:

        SetHandler mod_python

        PythonHandler mod_python.servlet
        PythonDebug on

  o What I have is a servlet (mps file) that gets found just fine with
    my importer, but when execfile is run on the file I get import
    errors on the **imports INSIDE the mps file** because sys.path
    does not contain the handler directory like it used to.

I have confirmed that adding "PythonOption mod_python.legacy.importer *" 
"fixes" the problem.

So, if I'm not from ever-on going to use legacy switches, what in your
opinion is the solution?  Are you suggesting that if I use the 3.3
importer to load my mps files then the imports inside the mps files
will automagically work?



It should have been named 4.0.  Having to turn on legacy switches or
rewrite code to handle changes in functionality screams: This Is Not A
Minor Upgrade.

For completeness here's the exception I get when I upgraded to 3.3 and
the first thing I did was load the homepage to my mps tutorial:


ProcessId:      7363
Interpreter:    ''

ServerName:     ''
DocumentRoot:   '/var/www/'

URI:            '/~dpopowich/mpstutorial/index'
Location:       None
Directory:      '/home/dpopowich/public_html/mpstutorial/'
Filename:       '/home/dpopowich/public_html/mpstutorial/index'
PathInfo:       ''

Phase:          'PythonHandler'
Handler:        'mod_python.servlet'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1537, in 
    default=default_handler, arg=req, silent=hlist.silent)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1229, in 
    result = _execute_target(config, req, object, arg)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1128, in 
    result = object(arg)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1456, in 
    servlet = _sm.get_servlet(filename)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1353, in 
    klass, servlets = self.__load_servlet(filename)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 1270, in 
    execfile(fname, code)

  File "/home/dpopowich/public_html/mpstutorial/index.mps", line 3, in ?
    from _TutorialBase import *

ImportError: No module named _TutorialBase

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