Danie Qian wrote:

>> With this patch, setting DBDTimout lower than the MySQL system variable
>> 'wait_timeout' will ensure than expired connections never get used.
> Assuming by DBDTimeout you mean DBDExptime in mod_dbd documentation 
> where it implies a keepalive value, how about making mod_dbd to send 
> something to mysql server so that its wait_timeout timer gets reset 
> whenever the keepalive time elapses? Is this what the setting originally 
> meant for?
> As I am pretty new to this listing and I apologize if I am not on the 
> same page as you guys.

Yes, sorry - you are correct. I did mean DBDExptime.  I slipped up
translating the APR lingo to the mod_dbd lingo...

re "not on the same page" - I didn't think that at all.
If you're new to this, you sure catch on quick!

The patch I proposed is not just for MySQL.
I don't use MySQL myself (although I tested the patch with it anyway).

The problem with "send something to mysql server" is that it is a
MySQL-only solution to the problem.   I was trying for a more general
solution since this affects other databases too.

As an aside - I have an apr_dbd_odbc driver:
which I use with several different kinds of databases.  This is what I
used to test the patch.

I don't know if the APR folks will like my proposed patch - they might
not.  You are welcome to use it, but you probably won't want to use it
in production until they decide.

A better short-term MySQL-only solution would be a change to
apr_dbd_mysql like the one Nick Kew suggested.


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