Hash: SHA512

> That's all good news. You're almost there.

In case you want to take a look, you can check out the filter function from


> You have the 'content' encryption/decryption part
> worked out but you want to also make sure no one
> between the client and the COS ( Content Origin Server )
> can ever "see" where someone is going or what they
> are asking for.

That's why it is encrypted, yes. It comes out from the browser (or local 
pgp-http proxy, as we were
discussing earlier), passess through any proxy because it is still valid HTTP 
1.1, and when it gets
to the server, even before virtual host processing (so the unecrnypted Host: 
header can say
anything, as long as it reaches the "correct" server to which the request was 
encrypted to), it gets
decrypted, "replaced", and then processed, and served. The answer will be 
encrypted to the sender,
of course, and signed with the server's key, so both server and client can 
privately communicate and
also verify their identities. It's using PGP for HTTP.

> approach will, of course, always reveal the actual server

Well, no, the encrypted Host: header might point the server to one of its 
virtual hosts. See above.

> Let's define what you are really trying to do and
> maybe the reason you are having trouble implementing
> it in Apache will be a little clearer.


> The word for this is "tunnelling".

I was pretty sure tunneling, when talking about HTTP, had to do with the 
CONNECT method. But, if you
are applying it here to simplify my concept, then, yes, I could accept it. Yes, 
as the HTTP request
 that holds the encrypted one IS valid HTTP and proxies will be able to read 
it, not decrypt the
encapsulated request. Yes, this breaks a couple of things, but we don't proxy 
cache SSL, do we?

I'm starting to feel I should develop httpp as you mentioned. Actually, it was 
my first damned idea.
I've been reanalyzing this all over the past year and a half.

So, we are tunneling an encrypted request using a capsule request.

> You want to "tunnel" the real (encrypted) request
> through the non-secure HTTP protocol using a
> "fake" request that appears to be un-encrypted.

I dropped that idea because writing a mozilla firefox addon to handle that was 
too big a pain in the
back just to get a Proof of Concept application working. If the http experts 
here really consider I
should be using a brand new "httpp" LOC, then I'll analyze, further discuss, 
and finally (probably)
go for it.

> It's classic tunnelling with a twist.
> You want to both "tunnel" and "redirect".


> You SHOULD be able to do this, if you want, however
> quirky some might think the approach is.

I'm open to suggestions on how to properly implement an OpenPGP 
encryption/decryption layer to HTTP.
I really am. I don't want to have all the answers. I had an idea, with benefits 
and disadvantages
over SSL, that uses OpenPGP. I believe it is a good thing, and I'm open to any 
suggestions on how to
correctly/properly implement it, because it might be useful to some, like 
banks. Take into account
that no user and password would be required to login to a site by using this, 
and that even the
OpenPGP signed http request can go through SSL isntead of using OpenPGP 
encryption, makes it
flexible enough, and secure enough, to make things like phishing disappear.

> By choosing to "tunnel", however, you are missing
> the opportunity to "answer the phone".

I don't agree. The request gets to Apache. Apache decrypts it, and answers the 
phone on the
encapsulated request. If an input filter can't get me there then I have to 1) 
implement this using a
different approach, or 2) make it a horrible hack to make it work in Apache, 3) 
drop Apache and use
a proxy in front of apache that decrypts the request, then gives the 
unencrypted one to apache to serve.

I'd really like to have 1 (and 3, because it would work for pre 2.0 Apache and 
other webservers).
- From what you say, I CAN do 1 (mod-rewrite stuff, internal redirect, etc) 
easily. But the fact that
a connection input filter can't COMPLETELY transform a request, INCLUDING the 
method line, then
serve this new, transformed, request, sounds weird to me.

> Since the initial request appears to be a normal
> HTTP request then all of Apache's normal http input
> handlers are going to kick in right at the front door.

> Keep in mind that the first line of input for any
> HTTP server is not considered a "Header" at all.
> It is called the "HTTP method line" and by the time
> it is parsed by the server you have a whole bunch
> of server variables that have been intialized and
> the server now thinks it "knows where it's going".
> What FOLLOWS the "HTTP method line" are things
> called "input headers".

Quoting Nick's book:

? AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION filters operate on connections, at the TCP level
  (HTTP requests no longer exist). Apache (mod_ssl) uses it for SSL encoding.
  Another application is throttling and bandwidth control.

"HTTP requests no longer exist", that's why I chose a connection input filter 
to apply the "100%
transformation, including method line" at.

- From what you say, should I be at the PROTOCOL level, then? Before all of 
Apache's normal http input
handlers kick in?

> Just to satisfy my own curiosity I worked up
> a module here that is, in fact, able to do this.

Great, is it open source? Can I take a look? That'd be cool.

 > It's the same concept as mod_rewrite only it needs
> to happen a little later than usual.

Even though the decryption happens quite a bit earlier?

> What this does NOT do is address your reported
> problem that you are having trouble vaporizing
> existing request HEADER buffers and then replacing
> them with your own.

I had no trouble to vaporize anything, because I'm consumming all bucket 
brigades, EXCEPT the last
one, which is where I intented to put the decrypted request into:

I've just got the last brigade for this request:

// Replace request with a "GET /" request instead of the decrypted one, for 
testing purposes
e = apr_bucket_immortal_create("GET / HTTP/1.0" CRLF "Host: localhost" CRLF 

I go and try to send the encrypted pgp request that I showed you earlier, using 

cat encryptedrequest | nc localhost 80

My conn input filter gets it correctly, even decrypts it, but I get this: - - [29/Jul/2007:21:43:06 -0300] "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost" 
400 293
[Sun Jul 29 21:43:12 2007] [error] [client] request failed: error 
reading the headers

When I press ctrl+c in netcat.

And I attempted putting each LINE on it's own bucket, still doesn't work. But 
as you can see, I got
Apache to show something different than "POST /HTTP_OPENPGP_DECRYPT 1.1" on the 
access_log, without
using an internal redirect. That's why I thought I was going the right road, 
and I was just hitting
a bug, or even incredibly stupid about some assumption :)

> You may, in fact, have found a bug there but it
> may also simply be that you are "too late in the
> game" to pull this from within a BODY data
> input filter.

Might sound like it.

> But if simple internal-redirect works to get you
> to your "secret" document and your existing filter
> is able to successfully decrypt the PGP payload...
> ...does THIS get you where you want to be?

As soon as the access_log shows only the secret document uri, and not a bunch 
of "POST
/HTTP_OPENPGP_DECRYPT HTTP/1.1" stuff (or worse, both items), then YES, it 
would get me where I want to.

I don't want to break statistics software, just keep 3rd parties out of 
sniffing me or taking over
my identity.

- --
Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman - Consultor Independiente en Seguridad Informatica
SHOW DE FUTURABANDA - Sabado 18 de Agosto 2007 (Speed King, Capital Federal)
Entradas anticipadas a traves de www.futurabanda.com.ar - Punk Rock Melodico

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