Jan van den Berg wrote:
> I understand the T&R is coming up.
> I did notice a drop from 886->843 bugs in the bug report for 2.x over
> the last week. Will there be more fixes for the 2.x branch before the
> T&R (I didn't see a message on the list about this).
> I'm just curious because I also submitted a little patch (41887) some
> months ago that is of a great deal of use to myself (maybe only myself,
> but still).

Thanks Jan.  Although we wish you had posted about a week ago (back when
Jim announced his renewed intent to T&R) --- it's really important to stay
connected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Things disappear into bugzilla, never to be 
seen again ;-)

I'm on vacation and not likely to get to your patch before his T&R, but it's
a really great suggestion.  I completely sympathize (although on Windows, we
would incur these penalties anyways as we determine //box/share/webs/www~1.com
was really //box/share/Webs/www.myserver.com).  On linux, this seems a waste.

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