Since a few regressions and other issues popped up the
last go around, I cancelled release of 1.3.38, 2.0.60 and
2.2.5... I think we are close, *very* close to being at
the point to try this all again.

1.3.39 looks stable enough that a T&R has no open issues
at all. So it's a no-brainer.

2.0.61 also looks the same, although we do have a bundled
later version of apr/apu.

2.2.6 has a few items still in STATUS which lack a single
vote to be backported. Now I'm not asking that people
just vote, but I am asking that people take a good look
at the proposals, test them out and vote as they see fit.
I don't want to delay 2.2.6 any more than it needs to be,
yet on the other hand it would be a shame not to release
2.2.6 with as many improvements and fixes as possible.

My intent is to T&R all 3 tomorrow (Friday, the 31st) with
a potential announcement Wednesday, Sept 5th. This is
because Monday is a holiday in the states, so that means
mostly a 3 day weekend for most people...

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