On Dec 8, 2007, at 2:47 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

Index: modules/proxy/mod_proxy_http.c

+    if (is_ssl) {
+        ap_proxy_ssl_connection_cleanup(backend, r);
+    }
     /* Step One: Determine Who To Connect To */
     if ((status = ap_proxy_determine_connection(p, r, conf, worker,

I assume all the below is to allow non HTTP to also honor SSL
connections, otherwise we'd simply place the function in mod_proxy_http.c
and not worry about the API issues... +1

From a quick glance I thought that there are functions in proxy_util.c that are
only used by mod_proxy_http.

The only "concern" was in populating the API with stuff that
is really local to a specific function or capability... But
I think that ap_proxy_ssl_connection_cleanup() being
exposed as part of the API will allow possible uses that
we can't anticipate now ;)

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