William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Wondering if this is worth a great deal of time until we define the VFS
in less APR'ish, less filesystem'ish patterns.

Maybe an APR-like file-system interface is an appropriate interface for a virtual filesystem? I guess it is a question of how much you want to try to achieve in a VFS...

A VFS interface would need to be quite similar to the FS interface in APR (perhaps a superset)? if you wanted to be able to virtualize all resulting request related file IO you are going to need to be able to fill in operations for all of the FS equivalents to apr_file_(stat, open, read, write, close, lock, unlock, remove, perms_set, ...), apr_dir_(open, read, close, make, remove), etc. The VFS should have complete coverage to allow intercepting of all request related file (or resource if you like to call it) IO otherwise it would not be quite so useful.

There are other existing httpd VFS abstractions such as DAV resource providers which already offers a high level non-file centric VFS interface although this can't be used across encapsulation boundaries such as in apr-util and is perhaps a bit heavyweight for more pervasive usage internally (and doesn't support enough low-level operations to support things such as mmap and sendfile)?

Without a low-level APR VFS interface, how would we cross encapsulation boundaries such as brigades and dbm in apr-util? I think a VFS should be able to virtualize all file IO including that from any other modules that use APR file IO interfaces (at least that is what I need personally :) ). It also needs to (optionally) handle sendfile and mmap which are low-level concerns (e.g. a memory file cache VFS provider could handle zero-copy IO by filing out a sendfile or mmap implementation).

My VFS delving has always led me towards the creation of a generic (and rather pragmatic) way of getting request_rec* passed down to an APR interfaced VFS provider with the addition of a generic apr_vfs_context* argument (a container for request_rec* in httpd) to APR file IO interfaces with transitional support for the present APR file IO interfaces (without explicit vfs_context* argument) by the use of a thread local variable - this could be made more robust by converting apr-util to use new interfaces and explicitly pass this vfs_context* (but it could be done quite robustly in the meantime by pushing and popping of contexts during starting and end of requests and their nested sub requests - or in an event driven mpm, changing contexts when required).

Here is the URL to my notes again for those interested: http://privsep.org/AprVirtualFileSystem

Perhaps you could s/file/resource/, s/dir/collection/, s/filename/uri/ but that still leaves the problem of the code that crosses encapsulation boundaries in apr-util (my reasoning for needing an interface in APR).

BTW - FUSE on Linux also has the same fuse_context* pattern for getting context specific information down to filesystem providers:


Just another random thought - A low-level VFS interface may make it possible to have a mod_vfs_fuse allowing you to run fuse filesystems in apache.

With a robust VFS for httpd, your provider could register the corresponding
content for a request, and negotiation would query VFS providers of both
multiview matches, type-maps, and your i18n.

The queries would end up as stat calls to a low-level (V)FS provider somewhere.

I guess from an APR centric view of a VFS (how I've been thinking about it) you could hook stat and open (and read/write for your translation substituted file) to do this although I'm not sure if it would be the best way - possibly it would be for the read/write to the language substituted (virtual) file (which you might layer hypothetical generic VFS caching on top of if your generation was expensive) but the query support might need to be at a higher level. A VFS provider that didn't serve the same file for the same path at this layer would need to change the request appropriately for negotiated content (as it would break existing assumptions).

Should this be within the scope of a VFS or do you think this might be a higher level requirement? Could mod_include be taught to substitute language specific strings from a YAML translation file?

my 2c.


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