On Jan 11, 2008 3:20 PM, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got here because apr_global_mutex_create() was acting weird, so I
> wanted to step into it with the debugger.   So I went to apr and did
> CFLAGS=-g ./configure
> make

you had already built httpd 2.2.6 at this point, and it was using the
bundled apr?  if so, I would have done

2.2.6 $ make distclean && ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
--your-other-httpd-configure-opts && make

> Oops...
> network_io/unix/sendrecv.c:967:2: error: #error APR has detected
> sendfile on your system, but nobody has written a
> network_io/unix/sendrecv.c:968:2: error: #error version of it for APR
> yet. To get past this, either write
> network_io/unix/sendrecv.c:969:2: error: #error apr_socket_sendfile or
> change APR_HAS_SENDFILE in apr.h to 0.
> Hmph.  So I tried changing APR_HAS_SENDFILE in apr.h to 0 and make/
> make install worked.

fixed in apr-1.2.current, which will be bundled with upcoming httpd-2.2.8...


I've built some levels of httpd and apr on leopard, but I think it was
always using explicit --with-apr= and --with-apr-util= flags to

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