Thanks for your responses, but what I want to do with the transfer time 
information (which I hope can be known from tcp_get_info) is to give priority 
to the request of the fastest connection first (which can be calculated with 
size of file/transfer time). I use Apache code to give the priority but I need 
information about the connection to do that. Or you can give/advice me 
something/part in Apache that provide the transfer time of A PACKET THAT JUST 
SENT? I will really happy to know that. Thank you very much

-- Niko Sianipar --

Dirk-Willem van Gulik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
On Feb 7, 2008, at 2:28 PM, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 12:39:14PM +0100, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
>> Have a look at the ntp protocol - it is fairly effective at this -
>> and I would not rule out that you'd be able to do something similar
>> (abeit less accurate) on a keep-alive connection.
> NTP does it via phase-lock loop, and it's pretty clever alright, a PLL
> could be applied to the back and forth traffic for HTTP alright, as  
> long
> as the implementor took great care to work around things like accept
> filters (so throw away the first session). It'd be interesting,
> mod_youre_on_sattellite_broadband ;-)

I just tried it with a bit of ajaxy/javascript on a keep alive  
connection - but did not get very far - no convergence -- but that may  
be as the CGI is not called with predictable enough a delay -- a  
module may be indeed what is needed.


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