On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 16:07:40 +0100
Dirk-Willem van Gulik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Given that mod_cache is now quite mature - perhaps time to make it  
> part of the 'all' setting
> in ./configure (and we could argue same for ssl and ldap). And hence  
> make it part of the
> general body distributed by the vendors (who seem to follow our
> "all" config).

That begs the question, what do we mean by "all"?  It currently
excludes proxy and dav, as well as the modules you mention.
That's IMHO rather more confusing than it should be.

However, we really do need to default to dynamic building if
we're to include more modules in instant-brew-default configurations.
As it stands, a default (static) "all" build gives you something
quite insane.

> I'd almost argue to make at least disk cache and normal cashe a
> 'MOST'.

Something to consider for 2.4, perhaps?

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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