Steffen wrote:
Just to inform you.
We at Apache Lounge done the first build with Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition.

SDK 6.1 (latest as today)
2.2.8 source (plus dso and fix for DOS-box)
Openssl was build with VC8
Zlib was build with VC8

Changed in apr.hw (otherwise errors):

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600

Further no changes.

IDE build goes fine with no errors.

First impression:
Apache runs fine on my XP box, including mod_ssl.
Only mod_deflate was not loading. Rebuilding Zlib (ms-asm) with VC9 and then build mod_deflate again and it
starts and works.

Also all the modules build with VC8, like mod_security 2.5.0, mod_watch,
mod_fcgid, mod_vieuw are running.



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