Graham Leggett wrote:

The session modules are all designed to go exclusively inside Directory and Location sections, which allow you to precisely target which URL space your session is valid for, and this can be repeated as many times as you like creating as many individual sessions as you like.

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Hmmm... why can't I use a session across an entire vhost?

  That was my first thought as well: "If you visit this host, we'll
try to give you a session cookie."  Of course it could go into a
<Location /> but it's a little cleaner and more obvious if I can just
use it directly in the RSRC_CONF context as well.

Identify areas of the server where functionality is being reinvented over and over, and then create key modules, like mod_shmap and mod_session to replace the reinvented functionality.

  Agreed, and I suspect most folks are likely to be on board with that
overall aim; of course, the question becomes one of getting agreement
on which areas are in fact examples of duplicated logic, and of those
which deserve to remain independent implementations for reasons of
performance/clarity/etc. and which should be refactored.


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