>>> On 4/4/2008 at 5:43 PM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Paul J.
Reder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps it would make more sense to provide this as an explicit value rather 
> than
> On vs. Off and set the default to the previous behavior. Perhaps something 
> like:
> AuthzMergeRules [AND | OR | OVERRIDE] with default being OVERRIDE (if I grok 
> correctly)
> Meaning that any directives specified at only one level would be merged to 
> lower
> levels, but the merge behavior of directives specified at multiple levels 
> would
> be controlled by this directive (i.e. ANDed, ORed, or OVERRIDEn with levels 
> above
> it). This could result in complex logic if subsequent levels of containers 
> mixed
> AND, OR, and OVERRIDE, but if it was designed to be explicit then the user 
> would
> have specific control over each authbit along the way.

When I originally looked at the implementation of the authzMergeRules 
directive, the above suggestion was my first thought.  However I think I 
decided not to go this route simply because the same thing could be 
accomplished in a less complex way by making the user explicitly decide the 
merging rules within the configuration of the directory block itself.  In other 
words, if they wanted OR merging between a higher level and a lower level 
block, then do nothing or specify <SatisfyOne> in the lower level block.  If 
they wanted AND merging then specify <SatisfyAll> in the lower level block.  
This follows the same concepts as would be done within a single directory 
block.  This avoids having to resolve logic conflicts and precedents  between 
two different directives, AuthzMergeRules and <SatisfyXXX>


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