Plüm wrote:

What about transient buckets? Don't we need to set them aside?
I don't follow - does the apr_bucket_copy not do that for us already?

No, it does not.

Let me look further.

In theory, that would mean you could only read the kept_body once. The kept body could be delivered to multiple requests embedded within mod_include for example, and would be needed to be read more than once.

But to deliver it more then once you would need to reset the filter context, 

You wouldn't, no - the filter is added to each subrequest when relevant as many times as is necessary, and each instance of the filter is only used once.

I think the reason it is there was from when the kept body was being captured by ap_discard_request_body, which wouldn't be run if this code kicked in.

However we do call it in the authn/z phase, so if the keep body filter isn't set up yet then it does still need to be here.

Yes, but what worries me is that other input filters aren't setup as well
that might be needed. Couldn't there be a case where we need to have the inflate
input filter in place?
Maybe it is needed to ensure that the input filter stack is already setup
before we read from it.

At what point are the input filters inserted?


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