Can you send me just the part of your httpd config that governs this transaction and the redirect to the IIS server? I really would like to reproduce this here. The moment I can actually make it happen I have tools in place that will show exactly WHEN/WHERE it's happening (not gdb. I don't use it). All I have here is a simple mod_proxy setup with a single ProxyPass staement redirecting all requests to a back end. You are doing something with Virtual Hosts here, right? That COULD be making a difference.

Kevin Kiley

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Van Dolson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Fri, 30 May 2008 08:08:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Palm Treo access to OWA via Apache 2.2.x Proxy


My test client is a Perl SOCKET level IO deal and I am able
to send EXACTLY what was in your email as the 'fake' Treo
request, including the 'messed up' Host:redowadev.esri.com
header which is missing the SPACE character after the colon.

Doesn't make any difference here.

Apache parses the 'Host:' header with no problems and, as you
said, corrects the header when it forwards it upstream, but
the original 'fixing' of the inbound header appears to have
nothing to do with any decision making with regards to
'Connection: close'.

It's still a total mystery where that 'Connection: close'
is actually coming from and I still cannot make it happen.

Ah, interesting.  So much for that theory...

Glad you have a working solution but
something tells me this isn't over yet.

Still curious about who/what is/was adding that
'Connection: close' and why.

If it starts appearing again give a shout.

Well, this is definitely still something I can reproduce easily (just
have to remove the RequestHeader directive), and I have a test server
where it's easy to troubleshoot.

I would *love* to step through this with gdb -- anyone out there a gdb
expert enough to tell me how to "capture" a bit of runtime and play it
back later so I can step through the source after the fact?  Doing it
in real time seems to not give consistent results.

Maybe oprofile would do the trick for me... seems like there should be
a way for gdb to "capture" the session though if its attached... I'll
dig into that sometime unless someone can give me a pointer off the top
of their head :)


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