On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:19 PM, Ryan Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ryan Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> So I needed to create some mod_rewrite rules only for IPv6 when httpd is
>> configured for both ipv4 and ipv6 modes.  This patch adds
>> 'RewriteCond IPV6 on' support to the ruleset.
>> I initially tried to see if the incoming socket was APR_INET6, but couldn't
>> find the right structure within the request to query.
> Should r->connection->local_addr or remote_addr have the correct socket
> family?  If I try either of these over an IPv4 connection, I always get a
> socket family of IPv6.

On most platforms, httpd will handle IPv4 connections on an IPv6
socket; the address family will be APR_INET6 and the socket address
will have a special format which indicates that the client is IPv4

Replace "Listen ##" with the combination "Listen" + "Listen
[::]:##" and you should be able to distinguish between client
connection type by checking the address family (not a real solution).

The system macro IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED() can check if an IPv6 socket
address represents an IPv4 client connection.  Apparently APR doesn't
provide an equivalent.

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