Ruediger Pluem wrote:
I checked 2.2.x and trunk in the meantime and they behaves as they should 
*without* the patch.
If I try to connect to a non existing host the apr_socket_connect call returns
after the timeout set via connectiontimeout.
I guess this leaves us to the question whether we need to be able to set
connectiontimeouts below one second.
I reverted r703998 on trunk.
I need some means of getting proxy connections to sockets with nothing listening on them to fail in less than 1 second as a workaround to Windows' noncompliant RST handling.

I believe Mladen just added this to mod_jk (where I also need such a capability for the IIS/Tomcat connector).

This seems cleaner than the GetTcpTable mess I was creating (as I'd assume local connections should take significantly less than 1 second to connect when successful).

Jess Holle

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