William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Author: tdonovan
Date: Wed Oct 15 05:24:25 2008
New Revision: 704883

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=704883&view=rev
Windows: add apr_dbd_odbc project to Visual Studio workspace .dsw file

Hmmm?  Guess I'm confused, we trigger _try_dbd in Makefile.win for the BuildBin
target.  We could default to building this as a dependency but it really isn't
needed if _try_dbd sees a default "odbc" list, which could be a simple ifndef
test of DBD_LIST.

More likely I'm the one confused.

You are correct, this change isn't necessary for either a command-line build using the generated .mak files (from the Windows .zip distribution), or for an IDE build.

_try_dbd works as you describe and it builds the odbc driver for the BuildBin 

If there are no .mak files, the symbol USEDSW=1 is defined; then the build uses:

        msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE  "apr_dbd_odbc - Win32 $(LONG)"

which fails without an apr_dbd_odbc project in Apache.dsw. This can happen if the source is from a snapshot or from svn, instead of from the Windows source .zip file.

It also seemed odd in the IDE to see a project for each of the other dbd drivers, but no project for odbc.

I couldn't see any disadvantage to having an apr_dbd_odbc project in Apache.dsw, but maybe I'm missing something.

No other projects in the workspace have a dependency on apr_dbd_odbc, so it still doesn't get built until BuildBin unless you explicitly build it.

On a related note - is there any objection to changing the svn eol-style on all the .dsw and .dsp files to CRLF instead of native? This would save a step for those who get their source from snapshot/svn/tar.gz rather than from the Windows .zip file.


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