[re-sent from correct address, apologies for any dupes]
Jim Jagielski wrote:
On Oct 22, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Mladen Turk wrote:
The upper limit in case of ajp protocol is 65536, so either
silently enforcing that (like now), breaking,
or logging as warning.

Except we don't enforce an upper limit at all... That's
the point :)

A range of 512->65536 seems reasonable as well...

Just to throw in an end-user's view here... I'm using mod_proxy as a
reverse proxy, and have this setting such that 80% of objects can be
handled in a single buffer.  There must be many different applications
of mod_proxy all with wildly different average object sizes.

With that in mind, would it be sensible to look at what impact (or lack
thereof) large values would have in some contrived applications?  That
way you could justify either having, or not having, a hard limit.  If
you don't have a hard limit, some suggested values could be added to the


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