Paul Querna wrote:
André Malo wrote:
* Paul Querna wrote:

Ruediger Pluem wrote:

This does not work on ANSI C compilers. Declarations need to be at the
start of the block.
Then lets not support them.

C90 required that variable decls came before code, but IIRC C99 style
mid-function declarations should work on pretty much all modern
platforms, aka anything with GCC or MSVC.

"IIRC" and "pretty much all modern" are both bad reasons for being sloppy ;-)

IIRC ( >:-> ) the AIX compiler actually doesn't like it, but other people know that better.

Then lets not support AIX :-)

To expand on my beliefs around this a little bit, if a platform doesn't have things like kqueue, epool or event ports, and it still doesn't have a c99 compiler, where is the value in supporting it, they are likely still using Apache 1.3 anyways.


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