> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Chris Darroch 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. November 2008 02:14
> An: dev@httpd.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: AuthzMergeRules blocks everything in default 
> configuration
> Ruediger Pluem wrote:
> > I was hoping that your patches would fix this, but sadly 
> they did not.
>    Ironically, the problem appears to have little to do with authz,
> but rather authn.  The test httpd logs show it's failing to find
> an htpasswd-type file in which to check the user's login and password.
> That's because there's no AuthBasicProvider in the test config, and
> the code -- since way back, I think -- defaults to the "file" authn
> provider.
>    Looking back in SVN it seems like that should have been the
> behaviour for quite a number of years, but I confess I didn't dig
> too deeply.  Nor did I try out the test suite with 2.2.x to see
> if it succeeds as-is, and if so, why.  If it does, my hunch would
> be that it succeeds because the suite doesn't actually use the normal
> authn/z providers, but rather supplies its own module called 
> mod_authany.c.
>    That module contains two different alternative set of functions
> based on an #if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20060110, 0) which 
> corresponds
> to, I think, an attempt to just get it to compile after the authn/z
> refactoring in trunk.  The log comment for r375595 is:
>     - attempt to adapt for trunk aaa changes; this doesn't work
>     but it does at least compile - not sure whether the problem
>     is in this code or the aaa code.
>    At any rate, my guess would be that it works (if it does) with
> 2.2.x because the module supplies its own raw check_user_id 
> (i.e., authn)
> and auth_checker (i.e., authz) hook functions which run as 
> and probably bypass all the stuff in the usual APR_HOOK_MIDDLE hook
> functions of mod_auth_basic and mod_authz_file.  So the fact
> that it doesn't specify any AuthBasicProvider never comes up because
> it bypasses mod_auth_basic entirely.  Just a guess.
>    At any rate, the patch below makes it run with trunk, and
> properly too, in the sense that it uses mod_authn_core and
> mod_authz_core to do the heavy lifting and just supplies a tiny
> pair of authn/z providers.  But, this isn't really a perfect
> solution because it's not really correct to put the authn provider
> into the AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20060110, 0) block, since it
> doesn't (I think) have anything in particular to do with that
> change.  Sorry not to spend more time on this.

I committed a slightly modified version of your patch as r711245 and
now the test passes for 2.0.x / 2.2.x / trunk.
Thanks for working it out.



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